Clinics We Offer


Baby Clinic/ Post Natal Clinic

Thursday afternoons. For all children up to the age of 5 years. By appointment only.

Minor Surgery Clinic

For the majority of procedures which can be done under local anaesthetic i.e. joint injections, wart removal etc. Appointments to be arranged

Minor Illness Appointments

Please click here for details

Asthma Clinic

Appointments throughout the week. 

COPD / Spirometry Clinic

Please ask at reception

Coronary Heart Disease Clinic

All patients with a diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease should be seen at least once a year.

Smoking Cessation Clinics

If you do smoke and would like to stop, please ask at reception for an appointment. 


Carers Group

A carer is someone who, without payment, looks after or provides help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without help due to age, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability.  Carers can be people who provide 24 hour support to a person, or people who visit someone once or twice a week to help with shopping, cooking etc.

Our Carer’s Group meet occasionally at Hill Top Medical Centre.  We also offer annual Carers' health checks - please telephone the surgery and ask to book your Carer's health check.

The surgery holds one emergency Doctor's appointment every day for Carers or the people they care for.  If you are registered with the Surgery as a Carer, and need to see a Doctor, please telephone the surgery and ask for the Carer's appointment (last morning appointment with the Duty Doctor).

If you require any other help or support, or for more information about our Carer's Group,  please call Debra Turner on 0121 506 6851.